
トップページ > Surveillance based on data from the NDB (archives)

Surveillance based on data from the NDB (archives)

Surveillance of antibiotic use by prefecture and age category, based on data from the NDB (published on October 19, 2020)

Data from 2013 to 2019 are available.
Antibiotic use for all of Japan and by prefecture are classified, and aggregated based on data from the NDB.
Antibiotic use is classified by the AWaRe Classification, by facility (clinic or hospital), and by age.
Antibiotics prescribed by dentists are also provided.
Figures and tables from the surveillance of antibiotic use in Japan and by prefecture from 2013 to 2017


  1. Antibiotic use 2013-2019 (National) PDF
  2. Antibiotic use 2013-2019 (By prefecture) PDF
  3. Antibiotic use 2013-2019 (By age group) PDF
  4. Antibiotic use 2018 (Comparison to Europen countries) PDF


  • Antibiotic use 2013-2019 XLS

※The data were surveyed in accordance with the study below.
Research grant from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (20HA2003).
Research on the implementation of the AMR Action Plan (Chief: Dr. Norio Ohmagari)

Surveillance of antibiotic use by prefecture and age category, based on data from the NDB (published on March 23, 2020)

Data from 2013 to 2017 are available.
Antibiotic use for all of Japan and by prefecture are classified, and aggregated based on data from the NDB.
Antibiotic use is classified by the AWaRe Classification, by facility (clinic or hospital), and by age.
Antibiotics prescribed by dentists are also provided.

Figures and tables from the surveillance of antibiotic use in Japan and by prefecture from 2013 to 2017

Figures PDF

Tables Excel

Antibiotics are classified by category, route of administration, and the AWaRe Classification.
Details of the AWaRe Classification are as follows:

※The data were surveyed in accordance with the study below.
Research grant from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (H29-shinkougyousei-shitei-005).
Research on the implementation of the AMR Action Plan (Chief: Dr. Norio Ohmagari)

Surveillance of injectable antibiotic use by patient type (inpatient or outpatient) and age category, based on data from the NDB (modified on January 24, 2020)

Injectable antibiotic use for all of Japan classified by patient type (inpatient or outpatient) and age category, based on data from the NDB.
Data are from 2013 to 2017.

Figures PDF

Tables Excel

  • The data are calculated from claims registered in the NDB. The data do not always reflect the precise antibiotic use because the data of patients who receive publicly funded health care are not always included. The numerical values are different from those of the surveillance of antibiotic sales (http://amrcrc.ncgm.go.jp/surveillance/020/20190902163931.html) due to the different data source.
  • The figures indicate drug utilization standardized by defined daily dose (DDD) per population and drug, called DID (DDDs/1,000
    inhabitants/day) (Reference:https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/). The DDD is according to data published on January 1, 2017.
  • The population is according to estimates published by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan. (https://www.stat.go.jp/data/jinsui/)
  • Please see this PDF (http://amr.ncgm.go.jp/pdf/190903_glossary.pdf) for definitions of terminology related to the surveillance of antibiotics.

※ The data were surveyed in accordance with the study below.
Research grant from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (H29-shinkougyousei-shitei-005).
Research on the implementation of the AMR Action Plan (Chief: Dr. Norio Ohmagari)